Posts By: Blake

I can’t click on links in webmail. What do I do?

Posted on November 28, 2008 by - Email Help

Your default view in webmail is set to plain text. That’s OK, it’s a best practice that prevents the automatic loading of remote images. Unfortunately it also renders links in the email unclickable. There is an easy fix. Just click on HTML in the View menu of a message display window (see the screen shots below)


Support Desk Home

Posted on November 23, 2008 by - Support Desk Home

Infologistix fully supports all of our great services. If you ever have a question you can email email hidden; JavaScript is required.


Why is my Blackberry email delayed?

Posted on October 1, 2008 by - Email Help

Blackberry email is “pushed” to Blackberry phones (BB) using two different RIM products. The email account assigned by your cell carrier resides on a Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) and every other account you set up uses the Blackberry Internet Service (BIS).


Mailbox full error, what do I do?

Posted on May 28, 2008 by - Email Help

If you receive a message from the System Administrator such as this:

The size limit of 1000 MB for mailbox email hidden; JavaScript is required has been exceeded. Incoming mail to that mailbox is currently being rejected.
